My name is Roxy. I started my makeup adventure at Silesian Medical University in Katowice. I have a Master’s Degree in Biology from the Pedagogical University of Krakow. My unceasing desire to create art has aroused my love and passion for makeup.
I'd like you to see the results of my recent projects.
I tailor the makeup based on the occasion, personality
and expectations.
I always pay attention to the details.
Being a graduate of the School of Makeup and Styling in Krakow, I'm crazy about my profession, always staying informed about the latest makeup and cosmetics trends. I have published many articles about health, skin and beauty care. In my work, I often make reference to alternative medicine. While applying makeup, I utilize all of the knowledge, creativity, and experience that I've accumulated during many photoshoots, fashion shows and events over the years.
My cooperating partners include fashion brands such as Repablo, Materialistka, Joanna Wietrzycka, Mariola
Wróbel, Proudly Designed,
Atagata/Agata Mickiewicz, BoBear Piotr Pyrchała, Motive&More, Bruno Novi, No.Excuse Sportswear,
You can see my projects in magazines like Make-up Trendy, E-makeupownia, Elegant Magazine, OFFSET
Magazyn, Dark Beauty Magazine and Extravagant Magazine.
Makeups for movies, music videos, photoshoots including Promees Lingerie, Flint, Bytom S.A., Arlekin - Biżuteria z Duszą, Unique Agency, Maciołek & Wspólnicy, DJane Mirjami/Mirjam Ochman, Rahim Blak, Kamil Niziński, Dominik Olechowski, Agnieszka Latała, Project Success-Konferencje dla Biznesu: Mateusz Grzesiak, Bartosz Ostałowski, Maciej Kurzajewski, Otylia Jędrzejczak.
Bridal makeup is preceded by a makeup suitability session.
During this time, we discuss the whole concept of makeup for your wedding. The beauty chat is to avoid unnecessary stress on your big day.
We also use this time to ensure that the selected cosmetics do not cause any allergic reactions.
Book now from EUR 50,00It's a combined makeup that has elements of every day, evening and photoshoot makeup. The most important thing is to prepare the skin care for makeup application, just to be sure that it will look amazing all day and all night, no matter how long you will spend on the dance floor or how many kisses you will get from your aunties.
The bridal makeup should fit the beauty and the personality of the bride, including the dress and accessories. The makeup must ensure that you look amazing not only during the wedding itself, but also while taking those cherished wedding photos. You will look wonderful in both artificial and natural light.
Book now from EUR 50,00It's a gentle makeup, but covers all of the defects.
Bright and natural colors like brown, beige and gray are used.
Strong face contouring and strong lips are avoided, leaving a fresh and subtle look.
Book now from EUR 50,00This makeup doesn't have colors, shadows or lipstick.
A light correction makeup will hide defects such as dark circles, spots or discoloration. It settles skin tone and protects from face shining.
The thing that matters is that the skin looks fresh and nice in the wedding photos. It will also minimize the difference between the face skin tone and the body skin tone of the bride.
Book now from EUR 30,00This is a makeup for special events like proms, banquets or New Year's Eve parties.
Strong touches on the eyes and enhanced facial features are the main priorities.
Sexy and chic "smoky eyes" emphasize the look. To achieve the long lash effect, fake eyelashes will be applied.
Book now from EUR 50,00Makeup for Photoshoot Preparation
Photo makeup should be stronger than usual. It's necessary to include the type of light, which has an effect on the loss of the color in the spotlight.
This makeup contains high concealing makeup. Besides, it must be perfectly applied because even small things could be visible in the pictures.
Book now from EUR 50,00This is a kind of everyday makeup, discreet but elegant.
It's light and fresh, fits beauty type and occasions such as interviews, public speech, résumé photo, work dress code.
Build your personal image as a confident, determined and professional person.
Book now from EUR 50,00Ladies who want to improve their makeup skills and learn how to apply it perfectly from scratch are invited to individual makeup lessons.
Example topics include:
• Suitable selection of care and colorful cosmetics (cosmetic bag inspection, shared
• Every day and evening makeup training
• Contouring the face
• Correcting imperfections of the skin (acne, redness, dark eyes)
The subject area does adjust individually.
Book now from EUR 100,00Before we start, please gather information about how to proceed during makeup preps on your big day.
Trial makeup is the time when we need to discuss the makeup concept. We're checking what is comfortable for you and applying optional fixes. To avoid unnecessary stress on your big day, it's better to determine all the details before. We also use this time to ensure that the selected cosmetics do not cause any allergic reactions.
Hair wash, hair dryer, and hairspray may affect the durability of the makeup. If this order for hair and makeup is not possible, please be extra careful during hair styling.
There are no colorful cosmetics and lips applying during groom makeup session. A light, corrective makeup hides imperfections like skin discoloration, irritations after shaving, dark eyes and spots. The thing that matters is that the skin looks fresh and nice in the wedding photos. It will also minimize the difference between facial skin tone and the body skin tone of the groom.
The best way to have a beautiful complexion is doing a periodic skin care. It's a key to success which allows you to enjoy an amazing look on the big day. Remember that the final effect depends on skin condition. If you have a skin complexion that is prone to impurities, please consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist a few months before.
The day before your big day, peel your skin to remove a lot of dead skin. This is to make your skin softer and make your makeup look much better. After the procedure, apply a face mask to moisturize the skin. Please do not experiment with skin care cosmetics a few days before the big day. It may cause irritations or even an allergy!
The shape and color of your eyebrows really matter. You can shape your eyebrows as soon as one week before the wedding. The color must perfectly fit your beauty type, hair color, and it should not be too dark!
Many women, especially who have brown hair struggle with a hairy upper lip. If you have a problem like this, you should consider the best method for you- laser depilation or traditional waxing, a long time before the wedding. You will avoid unpleasant surprises such as skin irritations.
What's worth it to take with you? You should take lipstick, face powder and matting papers.
Sleep it off! Sleepless night causes dark and tired eyes. Make sure you have enough sleep - about 6-8 hours per day. If you're afraid you won't fall asleep, drink an infusion of lemon balm. Please, don't stress yourself with trivial things. Take a long, hot bath, relax, listen to your favorite music or just chat with your best friend. Then, get up and enjoy your big day!
After tanning, the foundation that we've matched during our trial makeup session could not work out on your big day. The skin will be warm, dried and red. It could be oily as well. So if you'd like to have a tanned skin, think about it much earlier. Get a sunbath or go to a tanning salon not later than one week before the wedding. That way, the makeup will be perfect much longer during the event.
People who have sensitive and watery eyes must care about their properly moisturizing. For this purpose, apply eye drops i.e. those ones with the hyaluronic acid, without any preservatives as well. Tears in the corners of the eyes won't be a problem anymore.
On your big day, for your comfort, I will drive to the place of wedding preps very early. Because we're on a tight schedule, please be ready on time. You're responsible for planning this day before, to be sure that each person who wants a makeup will have a free slot in the schedule. Keep in mind things like traffic, a road to the hairdresser, time to get dressed and the other activities. In the event of 15 minutes and more delay, I have the right to refuse service.
Remember to tell me more about what I can do for you.
We can also touch base on Facebook.
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